
Roberta Cucchiaro_Indiame and India – 2008

Hi and welcome to my blog! My name is Roberta Cucchiaro, I’m Italian, from the North of Italy, lived (and still living) abroad most of my life, a world citizen, a crazy traveller and a photographer in the heart.

This blog is not about me, it’s about what surrounds me. Who knows me, knows that I have lots of.. those so-called “hobbies” and I really needed something comparable to Dumbledore’s Pensieve, a place where I can share with you and with my brain all those fun, interesting and sometimes crazy bits and pieces of information. Technology, information and knowledge.. they all go hand in hand! I so created this blog, Pensieve let’s call it (yes, I’m a huge Harry Potter fan).

Originally this blog was divided into days of the week, meaning that for every day there was a respective topic to talk about, for example Monday and Sunday were Music, Tuesday was Photography and so on. I have however decided to try out something slightly different and to temporarily – or not – abandon the according-to-which-day-it-is-I-will-post and be more spontaneous in what I write, depending on the mood, on what I read on that day or what I discussed, or just really on what is on my mind.

So what will I be talking about? Lots, really lots of Music; Photography (by me) – more photos also at my photo-only blog; Art, mainly Photographic Art, which I adore;  Ar(t)chitecture, lots of eco, green and sustainability; Design, iPhone apps and cool stuff, really cool, trust me (my favourite section!), and..  it’s a politicized section, lots revolving around China and mostly on Sino-African affairs which has been my academic specialization throughout my studies. Recently I have also finally added a Travel section! Travelling is at the core of my heart, I can’t have this blog without a Travel section where I write about the places I have been and the places I want to go to, basically the whole world!

Now, to conclude I just want to emphasize how much I love, deeply love, sharing all this with whoever wants to read it! I will be so happy if reading my blog will make you :)

contact-me bird




E: roberta[dot]cucchiaro[at]gmail[dot]com

Twitter/Instagram: @robycuc

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